Director Choreographer Dancer
山田うん | Un Yamada
2002年ダンスカンパニー<Co.山田うん>設立。カンパニー活動を主軸に、オペラ、合唱、演劇、新体操、ライヴ、MV、アニメの振付などを手がけ、東京2020オリンピック閉会式においてはDirector of Choreographer として参加。また、世界各国のダンサー・振付家の育成を行うと共に、老若男女、障がいの有無を問わず、宗教、文化、国籍を尊重した、誰もが楽しめるダンスワークショップのファシリテーターとして、国内ではパイオニア的存在でもある。2017年文化庁文化交流使としてアジア、ヨーロッパ、オセアニア、アフリカ、アメリカ、ポリネシアなど11カ国を訪問し、国立バレエ団、ダンス学校、国立劇場、美術館、大学などで、交流事業や公演などを実施した。
2020年には如月小春作『NIPPON・CHA! CHA! CHA!』で初の演劇演出を行い、2023年には日生劇場会館60周年ファミリーフェスティバルで『せかいいちのねこ』の脚本・演出・振付を手掛ける。
平成26年 第8回日本ダンスフォーラム大賞受賞
平成26年度 東アジア文化交流使にて北京を訪問
平成26年度 第65回芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞受賞
平成28年度 文化庁文化交流使として11カ国23都市を訪問
令和元年 第37回 江口隆哉賞受賞
Started folk song dance and gymnastics at the age of seven. She studied dance at the age of 13 at Yamazaki Physical Education Dance Academy. Later she studied butoh at the Asbestos Hall. Started working as a choreographer in 1996. At the same time, she worked at the Yokohama ST Spot, planning and producing dance programs for young choreographers. Researched the dance situation in Japan as a Japanese internship trainee dispatched by the Agency for Cultural Affairs in 1999. In 2000, After she won The French Embassy Prize for Young Choreographer at the Yokohama Dance Collection Solo x Duo Competition in 2000, she moved to France.
Established Dance Company <Co. Yamada Un> in 2002. She focuses on company creations, and works choreography on opera, chorus, drama, rhythmic gymnastics, concert, music video, and animation. Recently She worked the closing ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics as a director of choreographer.
In addition to nurturing dancers and choreographers from all over the world, she has a long-established reputation as a facilitator of a workshop that everyone, regardless of age, gender, or disability, respects religion, culture, and nationality, and makes people happines. In 2017, she visited 23 cities 11 country ; Israel, Algeria, Georgia, Estonia, Spain, Belgium, UK, Malaysia, Sri-Lanka, Australia, NY, Hawai, as a Japan Cultural Envoy. She gave exchange program, dance class, and performance in there, Georgia National Ballet, University of Honolulu, ISMAS in Alge, Sri Lanka Armed force, University of the visual & performing arts in Colombo, Maslool in Tel Aviv, etc.
In 2020, she directed a play drama "NIPPON CHA! CHA! CHA!” written by Koharu Kisaragi.
She is also performing solo, with musicians such as Keisuke Ota, Yuji Takahashi, Ohiro Minato, Tomoko Mukaiyama, Yasuhiro Yoshigaki, ROCO, and Tamane Gardner and so on. She constantly pursues her physicality that is sensitive to the times, socialities, and timing by constantly switching between ideas, academics, and traditional Asian performing arts and localities such as regionality.
She received the 8th Japan Dance Forum Award in 2013.
The Japan Cultural Envoy for East Asia in 2014.
The New Face Award of Minister of Education Awards for Fine Arts Japan in 2014.
Japan Cultural Envoy in 2017.
The Takaya Eguchi Award 2019.